Health and hygiene solutions
Due to their nature, some projects require a very specific treatment. This is the case of Health centres, restaurants, educational centres whose requirements in terms of health and hygiene are very specific. We do believe functionality is still compatible with design. That is why we provide not only the best technical solutions but also a vast range of designs to make your project just like you have imagined.
According to the Spanish Service of Radiological Protection (SEPR), for leaded doors, the lead sheet thicknesses needed are: 1mm for rooms with dental equipment and for mammography equipment, 2mm for conventional equipment in not too small rooms with a medium work load and 3mm in cases where the door is next to the equipment and with a high work load.
The calculations for the shielding of a room will be carried out by an expert from the SEPR, who will issue the certification. It is of paramount importance to guarantee that the joints – door frame – show the calculated shielding, with a rebate not less than 1cm between the shielding of the frame and door and between the shielding of the frame and wall where it is installed.