Health and hygiene solutions
Due to their nature, some projects require a very specific treatment. This is the case of Health centres, restaurants, educational centres whose requirements in terms of health and hygiene are very specific. We do believe functionality is still compatible with design. That is why we provide not only the best technical solutions but also a vast range of designs to make your project just like you have imagined.
Places like toilets, kitchens or boiler rooms are difficult to air due to the lack of windows, little air flow, a closed space in a small area, need of air flow because of oxygen consumption. To avoid saturated air and according to the ventilation standard, the doors in this type of rooms require ventilation grilles or apertures that guarantee the flow of air through the door leaf.
Integrated grille VENTIDOOR (JNCN patented) solves ventilation between rooms through the door, while improving its looks and making possible a greater sound protection and fire resistance.
JNCN additionally offers the traditional grille to meet the same purpose with a more conventional design.