Health and hygiene solutions
Due to their nature, some projects require a very specific treatment. This is the case of Health centres, restaurants, educational centres whose requirements in terms of health and hygiene are very specific. We do believe functionality is still compatible with design. That is why we provide not only the best technical solutions but also a vast range of designs to make your project just like you have imagined.
The door is one of the ten elements in the house containing more germs. It is handled every day by many people, that is why both the door and the handle itself carry millions of germs every day from one hand to another.
JNCN antibacterial doors reduce bacterial infection in those places where it is hard to guarantee a deep cleaning – kitchen, bathroom, schools and busy buildings. Thanks to the antibacterial finish, which is made of silver ions, and does not dissolve nor disappear, avoiding the growth and migration of bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast.